By Brenda L. Peterson, The Layoff Lady A Note About The NumbersLearning from experience can be one of the best ways to make needed changes. Learning from stories is another great way to glean valuable information. I invite you to review my lived experiences and see what insights resonate with you. As a bona fide Excel nerd, and meticulous planner, I kept detailed records on my job search journey from layoff #4 through finding a new role. Here are a few statistical highlights of what on earth I did with myself in the months between when my previous role ended and starting a new job. I’m including several numbers in this article. Keep in mind that while I pride myself in my ability to count and do basic math, I’m dealing with a very small sample size. This article can only barely be called “research” and is more appropriately described as me sharing my personal experience. With that disclaimer, on to the numbers! How Long Will This Take: Job Search Length
Please Look At My Resume: Applications Submitted
Now We're Talking: Interviews
I Know People: Referrals and Getting an Interview
I Will Never Work Again: Job Search Low Points
Everything Works Out: Lessons Learned
What Do You Think?What lessons have you learned from previous job searches? Share your best practices in the comments. Learn More
By Brenda L. Peterson, The Layoff Lady Surprise! It's Layoff #5!Learning from experience can be one of the best ways to make needed changes. Learning from stories is another great way to glean valuable information. I invite you to review my lived experiences and see what insights resonate with you. In 2019, for the fifth time in my career, I found myself unexpectedly in a position where I needed to change jobs. The last time around, my position was suddenly eliminated on the day I returned from vacation. That was about two years before, and I was not expecting to have to do this again quite so soon. My Job Search NumbersAfter this layoff, things moved a bit more quickly than they had during previous career transitions. Even so, Keep in mind, too, that about half of the jobs I applied for did not send me any response. In their defense, I was on and off the market pretty quickly. With that, here’s how this job search shaped up:
Differences From Previous Job SearchesMy job search after layoff #4 lasted 147 days. That's right. It was exactly 100 days longer. So what were the differences between these two job searches? What magic did I use this time around to land a great new position so quickly? Time of YearFortunately (as I look at the bright side), I realized it was time to make a job change in late September. I’ve also found that being unemployed over the holidays nearly guarantees an extra month or two of job searching (or, more likely, waiting). My two previous job searches included the holiday season, lasting 180 and 147 days, respectively. This time around, when I estimated the possible length of my period of unemployment, I surmised that I would either secure a new position before Thanksgiving or I’d most likely be waiting to start a new role until February or March of the following year. Getting a jump start, even by a couple of weeks, made a big difference. Position AvailabilityDuring layoff #1 and layoff #2, I lived in Madison, Wisconsin. While I love Madison as a city, as someone whose chosen profession is corporate training, I knew that I needed to move to a larger job market or consider doing something else for a living. In the middle of layoff #2, I started targeting companies in Minneapolis and planning a move. Even with the challenge of relocating (and managing all of the other areas of my life that were in transition right then), finding a new job took under five months. Being in the greater Twin Cities area, even with me being more selective on where to apply, I still had a lot of options. I also learned to manage my job search anxiety by applying for additional positions each time I was concerned about not hearing back from one potential employer. Doing something that gave me a better chance of securing a new job felt much more productive than simply hoping that a particular role would work out. Professional NetworkI started using LinkedIn seriously in 2006, shortly after I started a new job. Since then, I’ve connected with coworkers, members of professional development organizations, colleagues with whom I’ve interacted, and pretty much anyone who I encountered and found interesting. I stay active on social media, share useful content, and attend industry meetings on a regular basis. Having this robust professional network and assisting individuals in my network when they are job searching or exploring new fields of interest has helped me immensely. When encountering a position that interested me, I immediately looked to my network to see who might be able to put in a good word for me and help me get pulled out of the initial pile of candidates. I have also had more than one “informal interview” with a possible referrer, so they feel comfortable recommending me for a position. Since people are putting their reputations on the line, I don’t take their assistance for granted. Strong QualificationsDuring this job search, I was also clear on the roles that interested me. I also had relevant degrees, recent job titles well aligned with the roles I was applying for, and current industry knowledge. While having someone refer me for a position definitely helps, I also knew I still needed to be a well-qualified candidate. Those qualifications helped me get from a courtesy phone interview to being considered a viable candidate for an open role. Pure Dumb LuckThere is a certain amount of planetary alignment that happens whenever something good manages to happen. In this case, a company in a field that interests me (software) had an opening for which I was qualified, and I had a former coworker willing to refer me for the position. The quote “The harder I work, the luckier I get” comes to mind, as does “luck is preparation meeting opportunity.” Sometimes, timing is everything. What Do You Think?What lessons have you learned from previous job searches? Share your best practices in the comments.
By Brenda L. Peterson, The Layoff Lady Layoffs Happen All The TimeIt starts like any other day. Then, it takes an ominous turn. Whether you were invited to an ambiguously titled last minute meeting, received an awkward message in your personal email notifying you of your last day, or are perp walked to HR on your first day back from vacation, you are now among the newly unemployed. Welcome to the suck. Now What Do I Do?Even if there were buyout rumors, a quarter with low sales, or a new company direction, being part of a reduction in force (RIF) is still surreal when it happens to you. It's hard to know what to do with yourself when you find yourself unexpectedly out of the job. It's time to redirect your attention. Your New Focus AreasThe work problems you had an hour ago are gone. Along with your freed-up future come very different challenges. It’s time to shift to these top three focus areas:
Your Guiding PrincipleAlong with your new focus areas, your overall guiding principle is not to do anything counterproductive (or downright dumb) as you figure out your post-layoff next steps. Your Never-Do List Here are the career-limiting moves that will make your life harder. Instead of springing into action, stop, think, and then just don't do the following:
Your Think-Before-You-Consider-Doing List Here are a few things you may want to do at some point, but that require thought and a plan before you move forward. At the very least, sleep on it before you do any of the following:
Now that you are at least somewhat inoculated against creating utter chaos for yourself, let's get back to those top three focus areas. Focus Area 1: Process Your EmotionsLosing your job can be an emotional roller coaster. An unplanned job change is a stressful life event on par with getting divorced or going to prison. Just like dealing with a death in the family, you’re dealing with the death of the future you thought you had. Losing that imagined future is a significant loss that needs to be addressed. Figure out how you will cope with these changes. While distracting yourself from the unpleasant parts of the process is natural, building healthier coping mechanisms, like prioritizing self-care, is better for your long-term success. While you can get away with avoiding your feelings for a while, eventually, you need to acknowledge each one so you can move on. If you don’t work through those difficult emotions, your ignored feelings will come out sideways at just the wrong time. It is better to work through your grief privately than to fall apart during an interview or snap at someone who is trying to help you. Step 2: Review Your FinancesDisclaimer: While I know quite a bit based on my previous work experience supporting financial coaches, my own research, and my personal life experiences, I do not currently hold a license or certification to give financial advice. Therefore, the information provided here is educational information provided as guidance. I hope you can glean value from my lessons learned. Feel free to take my recommendations or not—but whatever you do, double-check my information (and everyone's facts, for that matter). This is your life, and you will care more about your finances and health care than anyone else. With that, read on. Possible Money From Your Former EmployerAlthough your paychecks will eventually stop, you will receive your final paycheck, possibly vacation time that you have earned and, hopefully, a lovely parting gift from your former employer in the form of a severance package. Severance could be equivalent to a set number of weeks of pay or include an additional lump sum, continuation of some benefits, and job placement services. In most cases, employers do not have to give you any type of severance. If you are eligible for a severance package, you will need to sign something before receiving that money. Once you sign, any thoughts you might have about legal action regarding your employment with the organization are pretty much over. Read the agreement given to you, consider having a lawyer look it over, and ask for clarifications (and any revisions) before signing it. After that, there is typically a waiting period before you receive that money. I also encourage you not just to sign whatever paper they put in front of you. Make sure you advocate for yourself. Unemployment IncomeAfter a layoff, most people will be eligible for unemployment insurance income, or UI. I encourage you to apply for unemployment payments. The money used to make unemployment payments comes from the payroll taxes that employers pay. That money is intended to help people who have been laid off to pay their bills as they search for something new. Unemployment payments are administered at the state level and vary by state. After you apply, there may be a waiting period before you receive a payment. Your state will also outline the amount of each payment you will receive, the number of payments you are eligible to receive, and additional factors impacting your payments. You may also qualify for job search support services and even programs to help you upgrade your skills. In short, apply for unemployment income right away. In most cases, there is not a good reason for most people to forgo unemployment payments. A Note About Health InsuranceSince many people rely on their employers for health insurance coverage, consider how you’ll cover healthcare costs. If you have a spouse, domestic partner, or parent who can bring you onto their health insurance, that may be your best option. Check with the other person’s employer and let them know you no longer have health insurance through your employer because of a layoff. Their employer can talk you through your next steps and cost changes. If that's not an option, consider COBRA coverage through your former employer. This means you could stay with your previous health insurance, but now you'd pay the whole premium cost. Brace yourself when you see your new premium amount because it is usually A LOT more than you spent as an employee. Another option is going on the insurance exchanges at to find coverage. You may even be eligible for a subsidy to offset the cost. Alternatively, for less expensive coverage intended to cover a big expensive medical issue should it happen, short-term health care insurance may be a good interim option. Do your research and determine what makes the most sense for you and your household. Step 3: Prepare For Your Job SearchNext, plan to launch your search for a new job. Start by thinking about what kind of job you want. Write down job titles, possible employers, and your target salary range. Update your resume to include details about your last position and showcase your unique skillset as it aligns with your target job. From here, start letting people know your new status of being “in transition” and ask for help. They might be able to introduce you to a valuable business contact, keep an eye out for job openings that meet your needs, and introduce you to a hiring manager looking for someone just like you. It Will All Work Out. It May Also Take A While.All told, I’ve had seven workdays that started with lots of obligations then quickly evaporated into unemployment. The good news is that it will all work out. The bad news is that there is a lot of uncertainty between your last day of work and your first day of your fancy new job when it does arrive. Using these tips will set you right as you begin your career transition. Seven Lessons From Seven Layoffs: A GuideIf you've recently been laid off, check out my book Seven Lessons From Seven Layoffs: A Guide. You can even buy the eBook to get help right now. In this book, I cover seven lessons from my seven experiences with unplanned job losses. I include my personal stories alongside practical advice for navigating this tumultuous time. You'll learn strategies for managing your mindset, finding the next right job for you, shaping your career story, and overcoming setbacks. Learn MoreBy Brenda L. Peterson, The Layoff Lady Learn all the things!Whether you're gainfully employed or looking for a new role, continuing to learn and grow is a valuable career resilience strategy. While you can certainly pursue college degrees or certifications, there are many informal ways to increase your knowledge. Here are three of my favorite ways to continue learning and growing. Strategy 1: Social MediaStaying current on industry trends can be a challenge. One way to learn a little bit at a time is using social media. I use LinkedIn to learn a little at a time on topics that matter to me. Follow thought leaders and regularly read their posts to learn more about emerging trends and technologies. In addition, follow companies to stay current on their new products and positions in the marketplace. You can also follow hashtags for keywords you like to learn about. Here are a few topics I consistently learn about from social media posts:
Strategy 2: WebinarsWebinars are an excellent way to learn about a topic in more detail, usually over the course of 30-60 minutes. In a webinar, you can hear a speaker lead you through content, highlight important points, and string those ideas together into a more cohesive whole. In addition, you may also have the opportunity to interact with other webinar attendees. Webinars may focus on presenting content, answering questions from live attendees, or getting the group to share ideas on a specific topic. Here are a few webinars I have attended and what I took away from each:
Strategy 3: Professional OrganizationsProfessional organizations are a great way to learn more about a wide variety of topics. For one, you can attend regularly scheduled meetings, which typically have an educational component, to learn industry-specific content. Most groups have a social component, whether it is networking time during meetings or separate events that focus on getting to know other members. There are also volunteer opportunities, from helping check people in at a monthly meeting, being on an event-specific committee, and taking on a leadership role. These opportunities provide multiple ways to learn from a structured event or learn by doing. Here are a few professional organizations I have been a part of and ways I have learned content and skills:
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By Brenda L. Peterson, The Layoff Lady Post-Layoff ChangesWhen your “day job ends,” many things in your financial life change. For one, what is for many people their primary source of income, ends. This often prompts a quick shift to a short-term "survival" mindset that will last from the layoff event until the first paycheck from that new job arrives. Let's talk about your new financial goals and how to manage expenses. Disclaimer: (You know there has to be one of these now that we're talking about topics like personal finances and health insurance.) While I know quite a bit based on my previous work experience supporting financial coaches, my own research, and my personal life experiences, I do not currently hold a license or certification to give financial advice. Therefore, the information provided here is educational information provided as guidance. I hope you can glean value from my lessons learned. Feel free to take my recommendations or not—but whatever you do, double-check my facts (and everyone's facts, for that matter). This is your life, and you will care more about your finances and health care than anyone else. With that, read on. Employed Financial GoalsWhen gainfully employed, your household financial goals may look like this:
Typically, goals include living within your means and spending/saving/giving money in line with your values and financial priorities. When things are going "as normal," you probably have the capacity to think about current activities and consider what is possible in the future. Layoff Financial GoalsDuring a career transition, financial priorities shift from being proactive to focusing on the here and now. The goal is to get through the next one to six months with as few adverse effects as possible. Here are my recommendations for crucial goals to keep in mind during a period of reduced income and job transition:
While navigating post-layoff unemployment, the goal is to make it through with as few bumps and bruises as possible. Instead of trying to pay off a previous purchase or save for a goal, you will probably leave any “extra” money in your checking account just in case. Paring Down ExpensesThis is also a good time to see what expenses you can pare down in the short term to ensure that the money you do have lasts a little longer. Here are a few ideas:
Prioritizing ExpensesHere is a recommendation for prioritizing which bills you pay when money is tight:
What To Do If You Can't PayIf you can’t pay your bills, call the company and discuss how to make arrangements. Instead of just plain NOT paying a bill, make a phone call. I know this can be hard and humbling, but it is important to figure out a plan. Remember, you're not the first person to be in a position where they had an unexpected job loss and needed to figure out alternatives. It is also to the company's advantage to work with you. It's in the company's interest to help you stay on track as a customer than for them to spend the time and staffing on repossessing items or turning off and on utilities. Help them help you. Making this call also helps minimize damage to your credit score (which could even impact your ability to find work sometimes). Be sure to call right away when you start to have issues instead of waiting until you have a lot of issues. I encourage you to call when you worry abouat having a hard time making one mortgage payment instead of waiting until you are months behind. Remember, though, even if you have waited, MAKE THAT CALL! When working with a company on making payment arrangements, you may be able to defer payments, figure out a payment plan, take advantage of a company-sponsored program, or find a government-sponsored program to help you during a hard time. County, faith-based organizations, and non-profits may be able to help you, too. Whether you need help paying for gas, food, transportation, or utilities, make sure to use the available resources. Learn More
Job Search Skills You Didn't Know You Needed: Remote, Hybrid, Onsite, and Hiring Eligibility10/22/2024 By Brenda L. Peterson, The Layoff Lady Onsite, Remote, and Hybrid Work ImplicationsWhen searching for a job, one challenge is figuring out what work arrangements a given employer has in mind. Since 2020, companies in the United States often label their open positions as onsite, hybrid, or remote. Even with those labels, job seekers and individual employers are still not always aligned on what exactly that means. Let's look at some of the factors in play. Remote Job ClarificationsFor a job labeled as "remote," their expectations could be any of the following:
Onsite, Remote, and Hybrid Roles in PracticeRegardless of the label, each role may work differently in practice. Here are a few of the many possible scenarios:
Navigating Job Listings for Remote RolesAs a job seeker who understand the different stated options and possible meanings, here are a few strategies for navigating job listings:
Remote Work Implications: Locations and PayThere are also a few other implications of remote work to keep in mind:
Strategies for Remote Work Salary ConversationsGiven these variations on how salaries work for remote roles, be sure to think through your financial requirements and how you will address questions about your desired salary:
Learn Moreby Brenda L. Peterson, The Layoff Lady A Harsh Truth About Job SearchingWhether you are employed and searching for a role that is a better match or in a post-layoff career transition, job searching has many challenges. Perhaps the most frustrating part is that you can't control when you will get a new job. The whole process takes as long as it takes. To make the waiting and uncertainty more bearable, focusing on the aspects of your job search you can control is helpful. Measuring SuccessWhen working toward a goal, it's always helpful to identify your goals and track your progress toward those goals. This will also help you to evaluate what you are doing and adjust as needed to help you see greater success. There are two kinds of indicators to help measure success: leading indicators and lagging indicators. When working toward a goal, most people focus on lagging indicators. In a work setting, if I deliver a training session to help boost product sales, future sales numbers are a lagging indicator. Many factors contributing to future sales are outside my control—like what competing products exist, commission rates, or market conditions. Ultimately, sales numbers are a lagging indicator of success because they show up later on. Focusing on lagging indicators is how we are encouraged to measure progress in much of life. We look to the scale to show us if we lost weight, our temperature to see if we are healthy, and an accepted job offer as proof of results. While these are all the ultimate measures of success, they are the outputs of many tangible factors we can track and control. Which brings us to... Along the way, it’s more helpful to focus on leading indicators. These are the easily measurable, countable, check-off-able items that are within your control. In my sales training scenario, leading indicators of success would include holding the training session, the number of attendees, knowledge check results from each participant, and the presence of a reference document. I can control all of these things, count them, and check off tasks completed. Focusing on the right leading indicators doesn't guarantee I'll achieve my lagging indicators of increased sales, but that success is more likely to happen. Similarly, if I commit to the daily tasks of walking for 30 minutes, eating 5 servings of vegetables, and drinking 64 ounces of water per day, I am positioning myself for more success in my weight loss goal. Those right actions, and tweaking them as needed, will eventually lead to that number on the scale moving in the right direction. Job Search: Lagging IndicatorsWithin the context of a job search, here are a few lagging indicators of job search progress. You can also not directly control these actions happening:
All these lagging are definitive, and are indicators of legitimate progress toward getting a new job. You also can not directly make any of these things happen. Ways to Achieve the Bigger GoalDuring your job search, it's important to focus on activities that can position you to reach those milestones. Here are the broad areas you can impact:
Job Search: Leading Indicators.Now, turn those squishier ideas into leading indicators. Do this by creating specific, countable, check-off-able tasks on your to-do list. Here are a few examples:
Having this list of tangible actions to take will keep you on track to achieve your goal of finding a new job. Keep On Doing The Right ThingsSome weeks, you do a lot of waiting, which makes you feel like you are terrible at everything and destined to be stuck right where you are. Other weeks, people will trip over one another clamoring to talk with you about yet another amazing job opportunity. During those weeks, you feel like this is all easy and you can do no wrong. Stay the course and keep on keeping on knowing that eventually something will pop. What Do You Think?How do you sustain momentum during your job search? Share your thoughts in the comments. Learn MoreBy Brenda L. Peterson, The Layoff Lady Don't Go It AloneLife is challenging when nothing in particular is happening. When you're going through a job change (especially one you didn't plan), it's even harder. While I'm a fan of self-reliance, I also know the value of finding people who want to support you and letting them do it. You're not weak for needing people. You are smart for planning ahead for what you will need. You Need Help Because This is HardI have been through a post-layoff job transition 7 times, and it is difficult each and every time. There is the fear that it will just never end, and you'll be drifting for eternity trying to find paid work where you can pay your bills--much less in a job you want. You worry that you'll have to settle for something that may be even worse than the worst job you've ever had. You also worry that you'll run out of money and not be able to pay your bills and lose everything you own and everyone you've ever loved. While your rational mind knows this is all pretty unlikely, there will be moments when everything seems hopeless. That's where your support network comes in. No matter how resilient and downright badass you are, doing this alone makes it way harder. People Want to Help You: Make Sure to Let ThemAs an extra added bonus, people want to help you! I'm always inspired by people who come out of the woodwork to check on me, tell me about an open position, thank me for helping them once upon a time, or offer to refer me for a role. Everyone has struggled with something at one time or another, and someone has helped them. Let other people help you. Building Your TeamIt also takes a village to get you through a career transition. Relying on one person for everything is all kinds of stressful. Know that people want to help, and it's a matter of figuring out what you need, letting people know, and reaching out to people when needed. Going through a job search is challenging, even in the best of circumstances. It can be even more challenging if you're starting from a layoff (especially the part where someone else got to make a big, uninvited life decision for you). Types of Help You NeedHere's a starter list of the types of help you may need during your job transition. More specifically, here is some of what I needed. Use this as a starting point and add details as it helps you:
Who Can HelpWhen it comes to help, I start with my inner circle--close friends and family. I'm also sure to widen my support team beyond them, too. I also move beyond that immediate group. I interact with my LinkedIn connections. I tap into online groups including job search groups, The White Box Club, and even LinkedIn groups focusing on networking or a content area (like sales enablement). I interact with in-person membership groups like ATD or the Omaha OD Network. Or I seek out non-work connections through social Meetup groups or activities. Sometimes, I just spend time in coffee shops to indirectly interact with other people. It's a matter of figuring out what you need and finding a person to help. Asking for HelpKnow, too, that there will be times when you need to straight up reach out to someone because you need help. Each person will have their areas of interest and expertise, so be sure to keep that in mind when asking for help. It's helpful to consider who you might contact for different needs. Here are a few cases where I reached out to different people to ask for help:
Learn MoreBy Brenda L. Peterson, The Layoff Lady The Adventure of Finding a New JobWhether you're gainfully employed but looking for the next right opportunity for you, or you're in career transition, job searching is hard. Here are three unfortunate job searching truths that can help you manage your mindset and emotions as you work through the ups and downs of this process. Truth 1: Job Seeker Time Goes Slower Than Hiring Organization TimeWhen you're a hiring manager, you have a ton going on, and only one of those things is hiring a new person. You're still trying to manage your team, meet deadlines, troubleshoot customer problems, and juggle all the people you're considering for your open position. In an interview, when one candidate asks about the hiring process, you tell them you should know who will move on to the next steps in the process "by the end of this week"--and at the time, you believe that is a reasonable deadline. Then there is a software release with a bug that causes three meetings to be scheduled with big clients, or someone ends up out on sick leave unexpectedly, or your child has to be picked up from daycare with the flu. Friday comes and goes, and getting in touch with a candidate falls off your radar until the next week. Meanwhile, as a job seeker, you put a note on your calendar that you'll know one way or another by Friday. Then you analyze every syllable you uttered in the interview, hoping you didn't say anything awful. You rethink a facial expression you interpreted as approving and wonder if it really was that at all. You suffer through Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, secretly worrying that you will never find another job. Ever. Instead of spiraling, take action to get you closer to your goals. After the interview, email the hiring manager a thank you message and consider sending them a LinkedIn connection request. Put a note on your calendar for a few days after the hiring manager said they would contact you. Reach out to them at that time, including a few pleasantries, reiterating your interest in the role, and asking for an update. Will you get the job? It's hard to tell. Either way, you did your part. Remind yourself that you won't get every job you apply for, and reflect to see what you can learn from it. At the very least, pat yourself on the back that you didn't over-follow up (which is often worse than not following up at all), and be sure to focus on more than one job opportunity at a time. In addition, network with three more people and apply for three more jobs. Truth 2: It's Not "Your Job" Until You Receive A PaycheckInevitably as a job searcher, you run across it. THE job. It's the one you know is meant to be yours. It's perfect--easy commute, a great title, the go-to company, exactly what you are qualified (and want) to do. In your head, you think--this is MY job. You picture your new business cards, where you'll park, and how you'll introduce yourself as the "Director of Awesomeness" for this perfect company. If you're still working, you may be dreaming about the day you hand in your notice--or get excited knowing you won't have to finish a dreaded project because you'll be elsewhere. You think--why should I even bother applying for anything else because this one is SO my job! Except, well, it's not actually your job yet. You're looking at it and seeing yourself in it, but it's not real. You don't work there. No one is sending you a paycheck for it. They don't even know your name yet. You may very well still work at your company in a few months when the project you're not excited about is due. While this MAY be the job you eventually get, it's not a done deal yet. You know what else? It may not end up being your job. Apply for that job--even work hard to get it. Know, though, that you may end up not even getting called in for an interview. This doesn't mean you're not still an amazing professional with valuable qualifications. Remember, there are always many things going on when companies hire. There may be an internal candidate, a previous coworker of the hiring manager, someone who has a referral from a college friend, or someone who has even slightly more of a qualification that didn't make that job posting. When you're a hiring manager, you have a ton going on, and only one of those things is hiring a new person. You're still trying to manage your team, meet deadlines, troubleshoot customer problems, and juggle all the people you're considering for your open position. In an interview, when one candidate asks about the hiring process, you tell them you should know who will move on to the next steps in the process "by the end of this week"--and at the time, you believe that is a reasonable deadline. Then there is a software release with a bug that causes three meetings to be scheduled with big clients, someone unexpectedly ends up on sick leave, or your child has to be picked up from daycare with the flu. Friday comes and goes, and getting in touch with a candidate falls off your radar until the next week. Meanwhile, as a job seeker, you put a note on your calendar that you'll know one way or another by Friday. Then you analyze every syllable you uttered in the interview, hoping you didn't say anything awful. You rethink a facial expression you interpreted as approving and wonder if it really was that at all. You suffer through Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, secretly worrying that you will never find another job. Ever. Instead of spiraling, take action to get you closer to your goals. After the interview, email the hiring manager a thank you message and consider sending them a LinkedIn connection request. Put a note on your calendar for a few days after the hiring manager said they would contact you. Reach out to them then, including a few pleasantries, reiterating your interest in the role, and asking for an update. Will you get the job? It's hard to tell. Either way, you did your part. Remember that you won't get every job you apply for and reflect to see what you can learn from it. At the very least, pat yourself on the back that you didn't over-follow up (which is often worse than not following up at all), and focus on more than one job opportunity at a time. Whenever you fall in love with a job or think of something as "your job,” make an extra effort to apply for additional jobs--or at least game out what happens if you do not get the job. If the job you see yourself in works out, great. If not, you're still working towards your ultimate goal of finding a new role (complete with a paycheck), whichever one that might be. In addition, network with three more people and apply for three more jobs Truth 3: You Only Need One Job.Applying for jobs is a process. Looking back at my records, I have typically applied for between 40 and 100 jobs when I've been in career transition. It's easy to get discouraged. If you're working and looking for something else, you might be more selective in your applications and feel especially attached to an opening you see. Remember, not every personal referral, application, or interview will lead to an offer. Again--sometimes you apply and hear back a fat lot of nothing. Sometimes, you might get a quick rejection from a job only to see it reposted a week later. In those cases, it can be hard to see that they don't even have a good candidate, but they know it's not going to be me. That one smarts. It's also hard when you interview for a role multiple times only to hear that you didn't get the job. Even though they genuinely liked you, you didn't get it. Maybe you were a close second, perhaps they went with an internal candidate, or they ended up not filling the position. There is so much rejection in the job search process that you’ll inevitably feel sad and like maybe there is no hope for you finding the right next job for you. Instead of spiraling, take action to get you closer to your goals. At the end of the day, though, you only need one job. You only need one organization to tell you “Yes.” You only need one place where you and the employer agree to work together. Sometimes, it's helpful to remind yourself that all those no answers get you to the one yes you need. The trick is that you don't know which one will be that yes. You have to keep on keeping on until you find it. In addition, network with three more people and apply for three more jobs. Learn Moreby Brenda L. Peterson, The Layoff Lady Network Building in the BeforetimesPre-pandemic, "networking" typically meant attending in-person events, shaking a few hands, and having a somewhat meaningful conversation with another human. While in-person opportunities are again plentiful, webinars continue to be popular since they are a flexible way to bring people together to learn. Be sure to think of your network during virtual events, too. Connect with Webinar AttendeesLike many people, I have attended (and delivered) approximately a bijillion online meetings, trainings, and interactive instructor-led sessions. I've been approaching these sessions with a mind towards not just attending, but also making new connections. Although the process differs from in-person interaction with people, I have managed to connect with more people (and often form more meaningful connections) than attending in-person meetings and “working the room.” As someone who runs introverted and communicates effectively in writing, this was an opportunity to turn webinars into a bonus network-building exercise. Your Personal Webinar BrandingWhen attending a webinar, I make sure that people are able to see who I am, my full name, and a picture, if at all possible. I use the same photo I use on LinkedIn so that people associate me with that picture. I also make sure that my first and last name are present so people have a chance of being able to find me after the session--or will recognize my name. In addition, during the webinar, I interact during the session. This usually involves commenting in the chat when prompted--which is also an opportunity for other attendees to see my full name. During any small group interactions, I'm sure to turn my camera on so people can see my face, hear my voice, and see my name. If the presenter asks people to share out loud, I usually turn on my camera, and share my thoughts. Again, this is another opportunity for people to hear my voice, see my face, and see my name. Each of these "impressions" helps people start to get to know me at least a little bit. Finding Potential ConnectionsDuring a webinar, I often take a screenshot of the participant list and a gallery of attendees if people are on camera. Whenever possible, download the chat from the session. This helps me identify who was active in the webinar and gives me additional information on anything they might have shared during the session. I often make notes on notecards during sessions to help me remember who might have said what and key content covered. All of these details can help me when interacting with attendees later on when I send LinkedIn connection requests. Researching Potential ConnectionsAfter attending a webinar, here is my process for adding new LinkedIn connections:
One Option: Personalizing a Connection RequestPersonalizing connection requests is a great way to start building a relationship with a new professional contact. Here are the key components I include:
Personalized Connection Request ExamplesHere are a few examples of messages that you can use to invite people to connect. Currently, LinkedIn allows you to include up to 300 characters when personalizing connection requests. Hi, Jen. I see we both attended today’s White Box Club meeting. I’m also in career transition and seeking a new role in learning and development. Let's connect! I'm also always up for a 30-minute "virtual coffee" meeting to discuss how we can help one another as we job search. --Brenda Hi, Jack. Great to interact with you a bit at this morning's Excellence Share. I love sharing ideas with fellow L&D professionals. Let's connect! --Brenda Hi, Javier. I see we both attended today's "Sales Enablement Best Practices" webinar. I definitely enjoy learning from this group. Since you mentioned that you are job searching, be sure to check out The White Box Club on Meetup to help you as you find your next role. Let's connect! --Brenda Other Options: Showing Your Value as a ConnectionNow that LinkedIn limits the number of personalized connection requests those with the basic membership receive each month, sending personalized connection requests might not be an option for you. In those cases, here are a few other options for helping to show your value to a potential connection:
After The Initial ConnectionHow do you further nurture that relationship? Here are a few ideas.
Continue to Build The RelationshipAfter connecting with people initially, be sure to continue to nurture those connections. Posting useful content, and occasionally messaging people is one way to do that. Ideally, you can add value to the relationship before you are in a position where you need to ask those individuals for help. Learn More |
![]() Author7-time layoff survivor Brenda L. Peterson, The Layoff Lady, waxes poetic on layoffs, job transitions, & career resilience. Buy The Book!Were you recently laid off? Need a roadmap for what's next? Or planning just in case? Check out my book, Seven Lessons From Seven Layoffs: A Guide!
February 2025